It's so good to be home! We had a blast in Florida and got to spend a lot of time with my folks and the kids are now official fish! They swam and swam and swam, until I was beginning to wonder if they had grown gills. They are all super tan and refreshed but still glad to be home. I tried to relax, but for me that's next to impossible especially knowing how much work I had waiting for me at home. With all of Mother Nature's fury around here of late I basically lost two weeks worth of sewing. This morning I worked extra hard answering tons of email as well as filling lots and lots of orders. Phew... now to get back to sewing! Not to mention getting these four kiddos back into school mode. It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks but I hope to have new stuff available for you soon.
So glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. It must have been fun for the kids (and you and husband) to have another dose of the grandparents.
If kids could grow fins and turn into fish, it would have happened to me me. I'd jump in the lake before Memorial Day and mom would pull me out to go back to school.
You will catch up and I can't wait to see what you have for us!
So happy to see you back and to know you all are safe. You take a breath and enjoy being home. Looking forward to your patterns!
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