Thought you all might like a little sneak peek at what I have been up to. I am almost done with my samples. Just one more to go. Phew, this has been quite the sewing marathon. I cannot tell you what a wonderful response this skirt has gotten. So, I have decided to add this pattern to my first collection.
Here it is.... "Kirstin's Hopscotch Skirt"....I have to admit I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE!!!! OMG, I want one for myself! I made it up in more of HB's Fresh Cut and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Fabric!!! I may have to schlepp back up to Richmond to get more to make myself a skirt too.
Actually there is a cute story as to how this skirt got it's name. One of my closest GF's who lives in Denver saw it on my blog and she instantly called me and said "I want a bunch of these skirts for summer. They are perfect!" Pure genius, these would work for "Us Mama's Too" so when I am drafting the pattern I may just have to make a "mommy version"...maybe!!! Needless to say it's named Kirstin because that's my friends name. She is just tickled that I named the skirt after her. Plus, she has promised not to come after royalties money from me when I am rich and famous : ). What a friend!
Okay. Tell me where I can get the pattern. I am so serious. I LOVE IT!
gorgeous skirt, and stunning fabric!
That is one of the designs i was hoping you will put into a pattern.
I cant wait until the are out in stores or your site. :D
You made my day!
Dawn I LOVE these skirts!!! You know I, along with many other SM's will be stalking the boutique for your testers wanted post!
I also wanted to let you know that you have won the Queen of ALLL Things Awe-Summm Award!
You can grab the award for your awesome blog from my blog.
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