As always we have a few beautiful Spring days and then it hits...ugh! Today the high is going to be 95F!!! This marks the official beginning of hibernation for me. Just as many critters take cover for the cold winter ahead, I begin my long summer inside. AC cranked, blinds and drapes shut and lots of refreshing lemonade to keep me calm cool and collected. I HATE SUMMER!!! Honestly, if there were a way for me to completely avoid going out in the miserable heat and humidity I would. However, sadly there are errands to be run, groceries to be purchased and so on. But on a positive note now it's salad season. We all love salads, especially the kids!! We have quite a list of salads that we make at our house and they are always devoured. Last night we started the season with a yummy Mexican salad, sadly we didn't have all the ingredients for our famous "Pirate Smoothies" but there will be lots of opportunites for those all summer long. I will have to share the story of "Pirate Smoothies" with you sometime. So it's time for me to get comfy and prepare for my long summer hibernating inside. Sadly, I don't get to sleep like Bear!
It's not quite as hot here in N.C. but still hot. Crazy that I have to move to Hawaii to cool off!
BTW - I love a good salad too. Would love to see the recipe for your Mexican salad!
Howdy Neighbor!! Samantha sent me here, I'm not going to bug you for your bread recipe, I'm sure it's wonderful but I have enough of my own that I don't bake, thank you just the same. But with all your Virginia and Richmond references I had to jump in and say 'HI!!' since I live somewhere near you - I'm in Chesterfield and Quilting Adventures is my all-time FAVORITE quilting shop tho I'm not a quilter. Pls email me at finestitchery@yahoo.com - us sewers need to stick together! LOL!!
from Barbara O aka Sparkle
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