Friday, January 9, 2009

Nibble, Nibble At My House

Okay, today's creation is my version of Gretel. Hansel decided to go off on his own and explore the forest and wasn't available for the photo shoot! Anyway, it was a bit too cold out today to be modeling so we opted for staying in close to the fire. Fitting, I suppose. Anyway, Gretel was very pleased with her dress! Oddly, I'm finding this a great way to add an interesting twist to our homeschooling with making Abby a dress and then sharing these great stories with the my kids. Then I get to have fun too! They got a big kick out of hearing Hansel & Gretel today and I even made Abby a little cupcake purse to carry her bread crumbs in. Blah, blah, blah...anyway her is today's Fairy Tale creation.


Julia said... Beautiful dress! I love the way you interpreted Gretle's sweet tooth (why else would she eat a house)!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Aww, she looks cute.


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