Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

With Halloween just a few days away we made our annual trek to the Pumpkin Patch this afternoon. "Pumpkinville" is a local tradition and a big treat for the kids. Everything from witches and goblins to kettle corn and candy apples. The kids carefully inspected all the pumpkins and then each of them picked their favorite. We also picked out a very special one just for Henry...who was at home with Papi taking his nap.

But the absolute highlight of the adventure was the hayride! Who knew a rickety old wooden wagon filled with scratchy hay and a grumpy old man driving a rusty blue tractor could be such a thrill. Tons of moms, dads, grandma's and grandpa's all holding their stomachs and counting the minutes for the ride to end and a ton of little kids, giggling, screaming, laughing and begging for more. At the end of the ride I could hear lots of little voices begging to do it again...mine were a part of that chorus. Thankfully there was a long line of more people anxiously awaiting their 10 minute thrill so I managed to convince the kids that we could do it again next year...phew! The kids skipped to the car and were still chatting about all the spooky things they saw on our hayride and how much fun they had. Success!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have got to get to the pumpkin patch. It's one of those things I always want to do but never manage to go.


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