Friday, November 6, 2009

Kids Really Do Say The Funniest Things

I have to say that one of the best parts of being a parent is all the wonderful and silly things your kids do and say all the time! My 4 kiddos are no exception to this...infact they are professional comedians without even trying to be funny! So here is today's funny....

Scene: In the car on the way to school me, mom driving, Oliver happily sitting next to me in the front seat and Abby chatting away in the back of our minivan.

Me: "Oliver , could you go in my bag and get my cell phone for me?"

Oliver: "Sure mom!" dig dig dig "Mom, I can't find it in here."

Me: "Look in one of the pockets on the side."

Oliver: dig dig dig " it is! It was buried under those giant Pixi Sticks in there. By the way were did you get those?"

Yup...just use your imagination as to what he was talking about

Me: tears rolling down my face trying desperately not to burst out laughing.

Absolutely Priceless!!!



Goosegirl said...

So funny!!!
Hey Mom, can I have one of those pixie sticks??

Why are they just for mamas????

Tabitha said...

OK I was reading this tired and had a split second where I was like 'HUH?' lol lol lol too funny

Anne in NY said...

Oh, so funny - one of those times when you just change the subject and wait till you're alone to burst out laughing!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giggle!

mummy_chelle said...

So funny!

My dd served up a homemade 'soup' fresh from her little kitchen to a guest we had just met using mine! We nearly died laughing!!!

April said...

Pixie Stix.... now WHY didn't the manufacturers come up with THAT name!?! That's so much more fun!


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