Saturday, November 8, 2008

Laterne Laufen

This evening Elliott, Abigail and I went to Kinderhaus Toys for their annual "Laterne Laufen", or for those of you who don't speak German...Latern walk. Tiffeni had quite the crowd approximently 30 little people all gathered in her shop all to make their beautiful laterns. All the kids had so much fun and I think the grown-ups did too. I was anxious to meet some of the other families that Tiffeni works with in hopes of making some connections. After all the kids had finished their laterns and had munched their cookies and sipped warm cider we all headed outside for our walk. Before we left we all sang a traditional German song and then we walked around the little village of shoppes where her store is located. It was simply enchanting. Everyone had a fantastic time and we are so thrilled that Tiffeni planned such a wonderful festival.


Anonymous said...

That looks so cool! I bet y'all had a blast.

FrontierDreams said...

aha! I finally found you! LOL It was great meeting you and I look forward to talking with you more!! Can't wait for you to get your new lens to play with!!


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