Wow... how time does fly. I'm so sorry I've not been very present here of late. It's just that I've been so incredibly busy. Most days I don't know whether I am coming or going. With all the home improvement projects going on my brain is just fried. Thank goodness there is a light at the end of the tunnel and fingers crossed that I will be able to wrap up a lot of this by this coming weekend. Anyway, I wanted to share a funny little story with you. As you know, I have been purging and selling/giving away lots of stuff. Well, part of that was to purge Henry's bedroom furniture to make way for his new stuff. I listed it on Craig's List and received many replies from excited people anxious to purchase it. The other evening the family who came to get it arrived at our house with their neighbor in tow to help load it all into their car. Well, they were all adorable and we actually had a great time visiting and getting to know each other but the really funny part was when their neighbor commented on our house being a "Pinterest House"!!! I just giggled...such an amazing compliment and it just made me smile. Knowing how I used to love spending time on Pinterest looking at all the beautiful things that other people had done and clever ideas that were being shared with everyone. Of course lately I've not had much time for that at all and I haven't been on that site for weeks. Then she noticed my sewing room and said "OMG...I know this room!!!" and Yes, she had seen it featured on "Pinterest". Then she started putting the pieces together and figured out that I was that crazy lady who is slightly OCD about sewing. Too Funny!!! Anyway, I was completely charmed and it made my heart smile. I just never imagined that my sewing room would receive so much attention.
Now, to finish up these projects and finally get back to sewing!!!
Hi Dawn,
I'm glad to hear you are getting so much done and you will be able to go back to sewing soon!
I've missed your creations, including the sewing room.
Great story! Yes, one of the many reasons I visit your site it to take another look at your sewing room - it is fabulous! How cool is that they recognized it, and it being on Pinterest.
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