As you know, I have busy working on home improvements over the last few weeks and next on my list of re-do's is my kitchen. I have been searching and searching for just the "right look" and I think I have finally found it. Thank you Pinterest! My kitchen has oak cabinets, which I would love to paint white but Ole nearly freaked out when I mentioned that idea. So, that being said, I have to work with the cabinets the way they are. . . darn! This gave me the challenge of coming up with a new color scheme that works well with oak and also works with everything else we are doing. Needless to say I think I have found the perfect solution, it's bright, bold, fun and I think it will be perfect. Tomato Red walls! More the color in the bottom photo and not the top one...that's a little too bold, but the tomato red I am loving. I also love the black and white checkerboard floor and I'm working on making that happen as well. Ole goes out of town next week to go to Germany to visit his family so it's become somewhat of a tradition around here that while he's away I go a little crazy and start painting rooms and re-arranging furniture and so on. What do you think??? Everyone here loves it! Especially the kiddos, but that didn't surprise me. The big surprise was Ole loved it as well. Home Depot here I come!
Bright colors stimulate, which why I know you and the kiddos will love it! Me, I'd need to have at least a couple of those walls the contrasting calmer color. Do you think the color scheme will work with the seasonal decorating you like to do?
I don't think my Mr. Vanilla, loving husband, would be able to handle the red at all.
Can't wait to see your finished surprise for Ole. You go girl!
I love it but I am a red girl! you are more of a pink girl it seems. Hmmm I guess behind every pink girl there is a red one waiting to be born.lol today should finish our kitchen redo. I went with a more rustic tones and added red and black accents, but red is my favorite color and if you can call black a color it would be a close second in my house.
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