Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happiness Is....

...a brand new set of watercolor pencils. When I was a little girl I would spend hours up in my playroom coloring. I can clearly remember the very first picture that I did where I managed to stay in all the lines. In fact, I think my mom still has it. I was three. That was a long time ago but the love of creating pretty pictures is still very near and dear to my heart. I was cleaning out our art cupboard and found a brand new set of water color pencils that I bought some time ago and then put away and forgot about them. I couldn't wait to play with them. I had some drawings that I had done a while back too that could use some color so I grabbed my portfolio and set to work.

Carefully choosing my colors and having fun with shading and mixing hues. I cannot tell you how relaxing this is. Henry and Abigail watched on as I added colors to the paper and then by adding a little water watching the colors come together and intensify in brightness. Abby said ..."Mommy, it's magic" of course they wanted to help. So, now I need to get them their own set of pencils to experiment with.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

you must be inspired by Mary Englebreit . . .


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