My little 50th pattern celebration was a huge success and lots of you participated and got free patterns! This past week has been crazy around here with lots of this and that. Oliver and I did a speed run up to Ikea to fill the minivan once again with all kinds of goodies. We have decided to give Henry a bedroom makeover, it's time. Now that he is 7 he is wanting a "Big Boy" bedroom. So we made up a plan of attack and picked out paint colors, new bedding, new furniture and now I just have to get busy and do it. Great time to do a major room overhaul with Thanksgiving just a few days away and then we are having a holiday party here in the first part of Dec. So, I had to also get a jump start on Christmas decorating. Normally we wait until the first or second week to start but this year with so much going on I thought I should at least get some of done. The tree is not up but just about everything else is done. I am just dreading the Christmas tree this year with three VERY wild kittens. I cringe to think of what's going to happen. But I have taken as many precautions as possible with planning to only put non-sparkly, non-breakable things on the tree. I have also been reading about other ways to keep cats out of trees and there were many suggestions, but if you have any great ideas please let me know. Of course amidst all of this we are doing lots of school work too. I am taking a little break from sewing which is just breaking my heart because I am itching to try out a few new ideas for Spring. So, that's the latest from here. I am leaving you with a picture of my little buddy, Charlie who like his brother and sister just love playing in my fabric and cuddling up in my sewing room for an afternoon snooze.
Tie the tree to the wall. I'm not kidding. When our cat was a kitten, she didn't give a fig about the ornaments. She just kept climbing the tree. Found herself a nice branch near the top that would support her weight, and she spent hours perched up there. If the tree hadn't been secured to the wall to make it safe for our two-year old grandson, it would have fallen over on the floor. As it was, kitty didn't break a single ornament on her climbs up and down. Now she seems to know she's too big and ignores the tree.
Congratulation Dawn!.
So sad I couldn't join to collect your lovely pattern for some circumstances.
cute kitten
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