Congratulations to Our Little Viking Princess
Robyn you did an amazing job!!!
We all loved your adorable creation!!!
I will email you with all the details about your prizes. .
and to everyone who entered the contest
I have a special gift for you as well.
You are each going to receive 2 Olabelhe Patterns of your choice!!!
Please email me with your wishes and I will email them to you.
Thanks again to everyone who participated...we all had so much fun seeing your
beautiful costumes and your amazing creativity.
I have another contest planned for next Spring and this one is going to be amazing,
so keep a watch for it early next year.
This is Robyn and I totally just did that very some thing as Juliette. Arms in the air screaming. Thank you so much. I can't wait for your email.
Thanks for hosting such a fun contest Dawn. I enjoyed it very much! Congrats to Robyn -- your Viking Princess is stunning. ♥♥
Congrats Robyn! Loved the Viking Princess! She is adorable.
What a little cutie! I love this little costume. Congratulations Robyn.
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