Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Update

Thank you all who have been so concerned about our safety throughout the hurricane. I have received so many thoughtful emails from so many of you wondering if we were okay and how we were weathering the storm. The truth is, it's been a very wet and windy few days, but we were spared the worst of it. We never lost power, it only flickered a few times and due to the fact that we had most of our trees taken down during the summer we all slept easily knowing we wouldn't have a tree on top of the house again. After living here for 15 years we are getting used to these storms and to be honest they are just a nuisance! Hopefully, today will be the tail end of the storm and with a bit of luck the kids may get to go trick or treating tomorrow night. Otherwise we are going to have some really bummed out little munchkins. However, the party we had planned to go  to has been cancelled because the ground is just soaked and there is no chance for a bon fire with soaking wet wood. The forecast calls for sun again by Thursday, and we will all be happy when Sandy is over. 

Thank you again for all your well wishes,


1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Dawn,

    Happy to hear that you and family are safe from this hurricane.
    Wishing a great day
