Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm Still Here!

Wow! I can't believe how long it's been since my last blog post and I do apologize. The kids and I have been super busy with school it's been taking up most of my time. Now that they are getting older our school days are also growing. Where I used to get up early and sew until they all started shuffling downstairs, lately I am finding myself doing research on their lessons for that day and preparing materials for upcoming lessons. Currently, Oliver is studying World History, Elliott is working on the Early Americans, while Abby is learning all about ancient cultures (currently the Celts) and Henry is doing his first grade work along with taking everybody else's studies in as well. Needless to say my brain is pretty scrambled by the end of the day. But we are having a lot of fun!

So, now the big question . . . have I been sewing? The answer is "Yes". In fact, I worked on something really cute yesterday and I am anxious for Abby to test it out and see how it looks on. She is going through a major growth spurt of late and is growing like a weed. Just wait till you see how much she's changed over the Summer. She's really turning into a young lady . . . not to fear, she's still Abby deep down inside and still full of spunk and sass.

Now imagine this. Yesterday afternoon I was sewing the buttons on the new outfit I had just made. All the while Abby was reading to me and a really nasty storm popped up out of nowhere. Within an instant the sky went from blue to black and the wind started whipping the trees around in our backyard. Then it happened, "CRACK" I looked up and out the window and saw a massive tree coming straight for the house. My heart was in my throat as I saw it coming right at us but thankfully it didn't come through the window. Instead it landed on top of the roof with a huge thud. The boys were upstairs at the time and all came running when they heard the crash. After making sure everyone was okay I climbed up into the attic to see if we had a huge hole in our house or not and I am pleased to say that the tree did not come through the roof. Within minutes my phone was ringing and I had neighbors at my door to make sure we were all okay after they too had seen the tree fall on us. Then as if things weren't crazy enough another huge gust of wind took out another tree which crashed onto a major transformer and most of Williamsburg was without power for hours. So, last night we experienced fine dining. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by candlelight and some fun story telling as well. Thankfully, our power returned and I was able to call our insurance agent once again. I swear they are going to have to go on speed dial if this keeps up and things are already in motion to get the tree off of our house. So, today new workmen will be at the house inspecting the damage and gearing up for tree removal.

See. . . I told you it's never dull around here. Hopefully I will be back very soon with pictures of Abby in my latest creation.



  1. Thank goodness it was only one of the little trees then! Scary!
    Thankfully for us, most of the storms have kind of bypassed us- only one took out a treetop, and that tree is always getting topped by storms!
    Can't wait to see your sewing!

  2. I'm glad to hear you are all well. Things come in seasons. I'm finally finished with my half year accounting so I can think about sewing again!

    Can't wait to see the new outfits on Abbey.
