Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beautiful Dresses & Beautiful Girls

Just a few photos of some of these gorgeous little girls...
I just wish I could show them all off!

The Olivia's are still arriving and I have to say I am so impressed with everyone of your creations! Not to mention many of you have inspired me with some of your ideas and fabric choices. I am crazy in love with some of the fabrics and I am itching to add some of your fabric choices to my stash. This is NOT going to be easy picking the winners. I just wish that all of you could win a prize. The other thing I wanted to add was that I was truly enchanted with all of your girls. Everyone of them gorgeous and loving their new dresses. We are all very blessed to have such beautiful little girls in our lives and it means so much to me that you enjoy dressing them up in my designs. It makes all of those late nights up sewing and drafting patterns worth every second knowing that you are going to be using these designs to dress these gorgeous little girls! Gosh, I'm getting a little misty here.

You still have all day today to send in your submissions. I do ask that all entries be in by 10:00pm EST tonight. Tomorrow the other judges and I will all get together and figure out the winners. It's not going to be easy!

I also wanted to Thank each and every one of you who entered the contest. This has been so much fun and I can't wait to do this again. But, first I need to come up with another really fun dress that you can all go wild with and show off your talents with again. Looks like I have my work cut out for me!



  1. Oh my I dont envy you your job of choosing a winner. They are all so pretty! This is fun!

  2. I don't know how you'll pick the winner either, every dress I see is my new favorite... and you're right all those little girls are adorable!
